man wondering how to become a better lover
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How to Be A Better Lover With Somatica

Have you ever wondered how to be a better lover? We have coached thousands of men, both individually and in group settings. Consistently, those who were ready to journey into passion, intimacy, and deep connection succeeded in becoming better, more attentive, and seductive lovers. In the Somatica Training, you learn how to turn on your partner –…

sex coaching for men
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What is Sex Coaching for Men?

Are you often feeling lost about what it is that your partner really wants? Are you craving to learn what women really like in bed? You’re in luck. Sex Coaching For Men is just what you’ve been looking for. It helps you understand seduction, foreplay, the ever-elusive female orgasm and developing your G spot skills. It…

This Valentine’s Day, Rediscover the Lost Art of Making Out

This Valentine’s Day, Rediscover the Lost Art of Making Out

Remember when you first started dating? You couldn’t wait to have that first kiss. That’s because it was supercharged with intention, anticipation, and the unknown. Then, as time passed, making out completely went out the window and your erotic connection got relegated to sex and the bedroom. It doesn’t have to be this way. Here’s…

The Top 3 Mistakes Women Make In Dating and Relationship – Making Sex For Him

The Top 3 Mistakes Women Make In Dating and Relationship – Making Sex For Him

Our third of three posts outlining common issues that women face in dating and the top three mistakes we may make when facing these issues. Mistake #3 – Making Sex for Him Instead of for You Last but most definitely not least, women often experience the intensity and passion of the beginnings of sex with…

The Top 3 Mistakes Women Make In Dating and Relationships – Communication

The Top 3 Mistakes Women Make In Dating and Relationships – Communication

Our second of three posts outlining common issues that women face in dating and the top three mistakes we may make when facing these issues. Day 2 has to do with how we communicate: Mistake #2 – From No Communication to Unkind Communication The idea that Mr. Right will just know what you want without…

The Top 3 Mistakes Women Make In Dating and Relationships

The Top 3 Mistakes Women Make In Dating and Relationships

Over the next three days we’ll be publishing some common issues women face in dating and top three mistakes we may make when we face these issues. Day 1 has to do with Mr. Right. Mistake #1 is Waiting for Mr. Right Most women have been taught through fairy tales and romance movies that meeting…

The Player and The Lover

The Player and The Lover

We often work with men who are in the process of dating women as a part of their search to find a fulfilling relationship. What we’ve found has been eye-opening. Many men, when approaching a first meeting with a woman call it a “date”, worry about how they should act, whether or not the woman is interested, how they are coming across, and what they are supposed to do at every turn. In short, they spend most of their time before, during and after the date worrying.